International Leadership College

"Most Colleges Offer a Degree;
Cornerstone Christian Bible College
Promises a Destiny."

CCBCI Academic Policy

Cornerstone Christian Bible College, International is an academic community where, because of honor, all students and faculty are assumed to be committed to high ethical standards in meeting their academic responsibilities and relationships with each other. Students are expected to behave as mature and responsible ambassadors for CHRIST and to follow ethical standards both in their personal discipline and in their interactions towards other members of the CCBCI. All of CCBCI's students are expected to understand and to follow honor and integrity at all times. Some common violations of CCBC’s basic standards of academic integrity include but are not limited to plagiarism and cheating on exams.

Plagiarism means the use of the thoughts, ideas, words, phrases or research of another person or source as one’s own without explicit and accurate attribution as illustrated in the Appendix. In keeping with this definition, all work, whether written or oral, submitted or presented by students at CCBCI as part of course assignments, must be the original work of the student unless otherwise specified by the instructor.

Each CCBCI faculty member has the responsibility to report cases of academic dishonesty to the Academic Integrity Committee, which has the duty of dealing with cases of alleged academic dishonesty and referring all recommendations to the Office of the President at CCBCI.